
Making a company logo is an integral part of developing a corporate identity. The logo design must fit into the overall concept, be suitable for use in a reduced form and for printing on advertising media.

How did you develop the logo and symbols of famous and popular brands? Simple, like any others. Why simple? Because at the time of creation they were still unknown and not popular! Gradually they went to the top, and the logo and symbols expressed and emphasized their status.

They are made famous, popular and generally brands by developers of different directions, including marketers and designers.

One of the constant and mandatory tasks for everyone is creating a company logo. This is even cooler than naming... If the name already contains the essence, then in the sphere of symbols everything is ambiguous.

  • Laws, norms and rules work, of course, but somehow unconventionally.
  • The process is governed exclusively by the creative brain of the creator.
  • His imagination and his sense of audience come into play.

The work of a master of this direction is called “visual brand identification.” There are deep creative processes behind the magic words, multiplied by marketing research. They allow you to create a special, corporate style for organizations and persons even in the most hackneyed and trivial areas of activity.

If you would like to become recognizable, entrust us with the development of your logo and corporate identity! We do this professionally. We know how to visualize information in graphics so that it reaches the audience!

In any case, the general standards of high-quality brand symbols will be met.

  • Clear meaning. The logo can be extremely laconic, monochromatic, and at the same time remind of your values.

Uniqueness. The corporate symbol of your company will be associated specifically with your services and benefits. Each logo designed at Designland is individual. A good logo remains relevant for a long time. Many of our customers - large concerns - are expanding their product range and covering large market segments. The corporate identity and logo are developed taking into account goals and prospects. The desired logo design will be personally developed for you - graphic, text, or in the form of a mascot. One that will attract and retain the customer segment you need.


  1. Before creating a logo design, you will be provided with a brief (information form).
  2. In the brief you can write down all the wishes for the brand name, the format of the logo, what it should be associated with.
  3. In the process of work, shades and color combinations will be selected that correspond to the company’s image and values.

When creating a letter logo, an individual style of lettering will be selected, one that matches the image of the brand.

You will be offered 3-5 logo designs for approval. At this stage, you will be able to evaluate the composition itself, the dominant colors, and choose the ideal option.
Business symbol

The company logo is a key element of corporate identity. It is the logo that evokes associations in the client with the company, its products and services. Before you start looking at fonts, take a good look at your company, site or project. Ask yourself a few questions:
– What is the image of my company?
– What qualities do clients value?
– What would you like to emphasize – reliability, creativity, stability?
– If you could choose three words to describe your brand, what would they be?
– Who is your ideal client?

This is important because each font has its own mood and personality. It can be serious, casual, playful or sophisticated. You need to determine what exactly you want to convey with the font and whether it suits your design.

If the qualities that a font conveys don't match the message of your overall design, it will create visual dissonance for viewers or users of your design, and you don't want that. It is important to pay attention to the psychology of the font. After all, font, like color, has a psychological effect on human perception.

Our team will develop a logo taking into account fashion trends in design. When creating a logo, we develop a graphic solution based on your business idea. Brief - task for logo development. Here are some questions:

- information about the company: name, slogan, mission, areas of activity, website
- graphic and text element for the logo
- features of the use of fonts
- available elements of corporate style
- nature of the graphics (classic, modern, etc.)
- what products the logo will be used on