How to Design for Virtual Reality: VR Design Fundamentals and Best Practices.

The reality is great most of the time, but there is room for improvement. As much fun as driving a fast car is, wouldn't you rather fly through the air like a bird? We talk about how reality is a wonderful place to live, but every now and then we want to visit places that are a little unrealistic. And judging by the rise in popularity of VR design over the past few years, many other people agree. 

The advent of virtual reality poses a number of real challenges for designers. When it comes to designing a virtual reality space, there are very few options, but at the same time, it leaves room for innovation and new ideas to achieve goals. The question is how to make this transition?

VR design is the creation of a simulated world that people can immerse themselves in using equipment such as headsets. Virtual reality as we know it today actu ... Read more »

Category: About design | Views: 69 | Added by: admin | Date: 05/02/2024 | Comments (0)

No computer technology has developed as rapidly as computer graphics. Thanks to it, artists replaced the easel with a computer screen, and there’s no need to talk about designers, because no matter what area of ​​design we take, for each today there are specialized graphic applications that allow you to develop anything, from the simplest business card to the design of a car or cottage .  


But, as stubborn statistics show, a significant part of digital artists use the same popular products as designers, and primarily Adobe Photoshop, less often Paint Shop Pro and similar ones. Numerous online galleries of his work prove this. However, the choice of artists is not limited to these applications; moreover, there are many packages that are much more suitable for them. We will talk about them.


Graphic editor for the artist
If you look at the popular packages designed for working with ... Read more »

Category: About design | Views: 71 | Added by: admin | Date: 05/01/2024 | Comments (0)

The e-commerce market is considered the fastest growing. According to forecasts, in 2023 the volume of online trading will double. And this does not take into account sales of games, tickets, prepared food and services. Moreover, according to a Forrester Research report, in 2017, half of the world’s online purchases were made through marketplaces.

Today you will learn what a marketplace is and how it works, how it differs from an online store. How to get on the marketplace and make money. We will also look at the types of marketplaces, their advantages and disadvantages.

What is a marketplace in simple words

Simply put, a marketplace is a trading platform where services or goods of other companies are sold. The marketplace is similar to a hypermarket: there are different sellers in the same area, and customers can shop in different stores while being in the same building.


T ... Read more »

Category: About design | Views: 73 | Added by: admin | Date: 05/01/2024 | Comments (0)

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